Guaranteed Stop Loss Orders (GSLO) in OANDA Asia Pacific

This FAQ contains the following information:

*Important Information for Cryptocurrencies

Risk Disclosure for Cryptocurrency CFDs:

VolatilityClosedA measure by which an exchange rate is expected to fluctuate or has fluctuated over a given period. Volatility figures are often expressed as a percentage per annum can bring risk as well as opportunity, and price fluctuations could see a cryptocurrency lose material amount of value overnight. Due to this high volatility, the cryptocurrency market is considered high risk. Prior to trading in cryptocurrencies, you should understand your appetite for such risks, and implement a suitable risk management strategy accordingly. CFD trading is high risk and is not suitable for everyone.

Disclaimers for Cryptocurrency CFDs:

Cryptocurrencies are not regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) as they are not legal tender or securities. Investors should be aware that they do not have any legislative protection when they deal with cryptocurrencies and related investment products. If you choose to invest in unregulated products, you will not be protected under MAS regulations. Please ensure that you are fully aware of the risks involving cryptocurrencies and if in doubt, you should consult an independent financial adviser under a separate engagement. To find out more information about cryptocurrencies and risks, you can go to the MoneySense website here .

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