When can I trade?
Can I open or close positions when the markets are closed?
You cannot close existing positions or open new positions when the markets are closed. You can, however, place or modify entry, stop-loss
What should I keep in mind during market closing hours for forex trading ?
Spreads (the difference between the bid price and the ask price) typically widen at 4 pm Friday (New York time EDT), to reflect decreased liquidity in the global markets. These widened spreads could trigger stop-loss orders or margin closeouts when a position is opened at this time.
Ensure that you maintain sufficient margin in your The actual execution of buying or selling an asset, resulting in a completed transaction.
What should I keep in mind when the market resumes trading?
Market prices may significantly change or “gap” when the market resumes trading. This change could trigger orders, which would be executed at the prevailing market rate. For example, if a price moves against you, a stop-loss order may be triggered at a different price to the price specified on your order. This could result in additional losses.
Why can’t I trade some instruments during the hours of operation?
We do not guarantee to quote all instruments during our hours of operation. There are numerous market reasons which may cause an instrument to either temporarily or permanently be withdrawn, hence preventing the opening of new positions.