v20 Margin-related calculations

Please note that Unrealized P/L and NAV calculations used for margin determination purposes ARE DIFFERENT from the estimated Unrealized P/L and NAV calculations/values that appear on the OANDA Trading Platform UIs. Only mid-prices are used in the margin calculations, with the rationale being that the margin requirements do not change if only the bid/ask spread changes. Whereas sided-prices (either bid or ask) per size are used to calculate estimated Unrealized P/L values, with the rationale being that we strive to show Unrealized P/L values that best approximate what Realized P/L would be when trades or positions are closed.

The purpose of this content is to facilitate better understanding of the margin-related calculations, by illustrating those through examples. The examples below therefore refer to ‘UPL_midClosedUnrealised P/L calculated using the current mid prices for margin calculations’ and ‘NAV_midClosedNAV calculated at the current mid prices only for margin calculations.’ because those are the values used for margin determination purposes.

In these hypothetical examples, we assume the prices and the margin rates (sample values that may not reflect the current prices or rates).