You can transfer available funds on the Manage Funds page internally between your OANDATradeA trade is the actual execution of buying or selling an asset, resulting in a completed transaction. primary account and any sub-accounts at any time.
This includes MT4 accounts.
Internal transfers take effect immediately.
If you are transferring to a sub-account in a different currency, your funds will be converted at our current exchange rate.
Transfer between sub-accounts of the same currency
Follow these steps to transfer funds between your sub-accounts:
1. Click on TRANSFER.
2. Choose the account you wish to transfer the funds from.
3. Choose the account you wish to transfer the funds into.
4. Enter the amount of funds to be transferred.
6. The transfer has been completed once you see the confirmation screen. You may go back to your list of accounts, transfer funds again, or save a record by printing the receipt.
Transfer to a sub-account in a different currency
Follow these steps to transfer funds between your sub-accounts of different currencies:
1. Click on TRANSFER.
2. Choose the account you wish to transfer the funds from.
3. Choose the account you wish to transfer the funds into.
4. Enter the amount of funds to be transferred.
5. The live exchange rate quoted for this transfer will automatically refresh every five seconds.
7. The transfer has been completed once you see the confirmation screen. You may go back to your list of accounts, transfer funds again, or save a record by printing the receipt.