How to create or upgrade the OANDA One account for trading Share CFDs (OANDA Europe Limited)?
What is an OANDA One sub-account?
OANDA account holders can have multiple sub-accounts for different purposes. For example, you can have a v20 account to trade on our proprietary OANDA platforms. You can have a v20 MT4 account to trade on our OANDA platforms as well as MT4 platform. Similarly, you can use the OANDA One account to trade on the OANDA mobile app and MT5 platform. You cannot use the OANDA One sub-account to trade on OANDA desktop or web platforms.
Trading functionality for most of our products is enabled by default on the OANDA One account. However, for Share CFDs, you need to upgrade the OANDA One sub-account.
Do I have to create an OANDA One sub-account?
If you signed up for an OANDA account on or after 30th January 2025
You would have an OANDA One sub-account in GBP currency created for you by default. Log in to HUB and in the Accounts view, look for OANDA One sub-account as shown in the following image:
To use this OANDA One account on the MT5 platform, you would require a password. The password would be the same as your HUB password.
You may create additional OANDA One sub-accounts in the following currencies: EUR, USD, GBP & CHF. You can have a maximum of 3 OANDA ONE accounts.
If you signed up for an OANDA account before 30th January 2025
You will notice a message that prompts you to create an OANDA One sub-account. Click on Create Account, as shown in the following image:
Select your currency
Create a password for your new OANDA One sub-account. This password will be required for trading on MT5 platforms.
If you would like to change your OANDA One password login to HUB, go to Manage password on the left menu, select the OANDA One tab and set the password.
How to trade on the OANDA One sub-account?
You can choose to trade on one of these platforms:
OANDA mobile app. To know more, refer to our app user guide.
MT5 platform. To know more, refer to our MT5 user guide.
How to upgrade OANDA One sub-account for Share CFDs trading?
In the HUB as well as OANDA mobile app, you will notice a message that prompts you to upgrade your OANDA One sub-account for trading Share CFDs. Click on Start now.
Next, complete the market declaration and tax declaration forms. For more information, refer to our tax declaration FAQ.
After we review the information (usually within 5 mins), if your account is approved, the Share CFDs trading enabled - Step 3 will be marked as completed, as shown in the following image:
In some cases, the application may require further review, if we require additional information, we will contact you. On average, it will take up to two business days from the time you submit your tax declaration. We will send you an email when the account is approved for trading Share CFDs.
Once approved, we will upgrade your OANDA One sub-account. Log out and log back in on our mobile app or the MT5 platforms. You will notice Share CFDs listed and available for trading on the OANDA One sub-accounts.